What is Robocopy ?
Robocopy (Robust File Copy) is a powerful CLI tool that allows user to copy or move files from one place to another or one computer to another computer in same network. Syntax: robocopy “source” “destination” [files_to_copy] [options] For example, if you want top copy any data ‘sample.xlsx’ file from the path D:\data1 to F:\data2 then the command will be: Robocopy “D:\data1” “F:\data2” sample.xlsx /R:1 /W:1 /MOV Description of above command: Parameter Description Robocopy Command to start ‘robocopy’ “D:\data1” Source file path “F:\data2” Destination file path Sample.xlsx File to be copied /R:1 Specifies number of tries. Here specifying 1 means it will retry only 1 time in case of failed operation. /W:1 Specifies wait time before retries in seconds. Here it will wait for 1 second to retry. ...